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Град Бијељина

Mayor of Bijeljina attended the meeting of B40 Balkan Cities Network

​Mayor of Bijeljina Ljubiša Petrović attended the B40 Balkan Cities Network meeting in Sarajevo on 25 April. The meeting was chaired by the Network chairman – Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu, who announced that the City of Bijeljina would actively participate in the Network’s activities.
B40 Network was established at the end of 2021 at the summit held in Istanbul. On that occasion it was agreed that the Network members should work on improving the dialogue between local communities, cooperate in the fields of culture, inventions, sustainability and solidarity, and also to develop new areas of cooperation keeping in mind the impact of climate change and the need to strengthen local democracy and good neighbour relations in the region. Accordingly, work groups for local climate actions, local democracy and local economic cooperation were formed within the Network.
Some of the cities and municipalities of ex-Yugoslav republics are members of the B40 Network. These are Belgrade, Dubrovnik, Kotor, Laktaši, Priština, Pula, Split, Skoplje, Podgorica and Sarajevo. Some of the major Balkan cities in the Network are the Greek cities of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Turkish cities of Edirne and Istanbul, and the Romanian city of Constanta.