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Град Бијељина

Delegation of Bijeljina in an official visit to Turkey

Mayor Ljubiša Petrović and Vice-president of the City Assembly Mustafa Gradaščević met with the Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem İmamoğlu during an official visit to the Republic of Turkey.
Petrović said that they had a constructive meeting with Mayor İmamoğlu and his associates. Bilateral cooperation has been agreed in many areas, primarily in software engineering, sport and culture, as well as continuation of implementation of interregional cooperation projects.
“I am especially happy because we have agreed to enable our best students in many areas to go for specialization in Istanbul. We were promised that Mayor İmamoğlu will visit Bijeljina, and we will try to be good hosts to, I can now say, our good friend,” said Petrović.
The City of Bijeljina, with Istanbul, is a member of B40 Balkan Cities Network, and there were also talks about how to develop this important initiative through joint ideas and projects.
Delegation of Bijeljina met with Remzi Albayrak, the Head of the Istanbul Fire Department, which has 5,000 firemen, deployed in 125 fire stations.
“We had a cordial conversation and agreed on cooperation in fire protection and rescue, joint training and modernisation of equipment and technical facilities. We remember how the firemen of this department gave huge contribution during the elimination of the consequences of the 2014 flood in Semberija,” Petrović pointed out and added that the international relations Bijeljina built during the previous year are on their historical maximum, because people heard about Bijeljina in Paris, Brussels, Slovenia, and now in Istanbul.