Section for education and science, non-governmental organisations, youth and family protection
Trg kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 1
76 300 Bijeljina
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 (0)55 233 154
E-mail: [email protected]
Head of Section: Ljubica Mlađenović
Section for education and science, non-governmental organisations, youth and family protection performs the following jobs:
- coordination of work with other departments and sections of City Administration, competent state authorities, organisations and institutions within the legal powers;
- performing analyses, preparing information and reports within the competence of the Section;
- preparation and processing of materials for City Assembly sessions;
- cooperation with institutions dealing with education and science, family protection, non-governmental and youth organisations in exercising their rights and obligations;
- performing professional and administrative-legal jobs in the first instance procedures for making decisions on student scholarships and tangible costs of secondary schools, as well as contracts related to the decisions;
- keeping registry of youth organisations in the territory of the City;
- monitoring the condition and proposal of measures to improve conditions in fields for which it is competent;
- preparation of certificates on the facts officially recorded by the Section;
- participation in drafting general and other documents passed by the City Assembly and the Mayor which are within the scope of work of the Section;
- monitoring and application of regulations and other documents within the scope of work of the Section;
- participation in preparation of Work Programme of the City Assembly, of the Mayor, and of Work Programme of the Department;
- implementation of tasks defined by the City Development Strategy and other plans and programmes within the scope of work of the Section, and especially:
- participation in the planning, gathering and submission of statistical and other data within the scope of work, preparation of situation analysis within the scope of work,
- preparation of information from the scope of work needed for the preparation of City Development Strategy implementation plan and participation in its preparation,
- monitoring projects implementation and preparation of information and reports concerning the progress of projects implementation within the scope of work,
- other jobs ordered by the Mayor and the Head of Department, or other jobs placed in the scope of work of the Section by special documents.