Tourist Organisation of the City of Bijeljina

Kneza Miloša 30
76300 Bijeljina
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phone: +387 (0)55 224 511
Fax: +387 (0)55 224 510
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Tourist Organisation of the City of Bijeljina was established in 2003 for the jobs of development, maintenance and protection of tourist values in the territory of Bijeljina Municipality.
Activities, jobs and services of the Tourist organisation are as follows:
Activities, jobs and services of the Tourist organisation are as follows:
- promotion of tourism of the local self-government unit;
- improvement and promotion of original values of the City of Bijeljina – tradition, customs, ethnological treasure;
- creating assumptions for valorisation of tourist resources of the City;
- cooperation and coordination with entities performing tourist activities or other activities directly or indirectly related to tourism, for mutual agreement, establishing and implementing tourism development policy and its promotion within the City development strategy;
- promotion and organisation of cultural, art, sport and other events which contribute to the development of tourist offer of the City;
- encouraging the development of areas of the City that are not included or are insufficiently included in the tourist offer;
- encouraging and organising activities directed towards protection and maintenance of cultural-historical monuments and other things of interest for tourism and their inclusion into the tourist offer;
- organising activities for the preservation of tourist space, improvement of tourist district and environmental protection in the City territory;
- preparation of programmes and plans for promotion of tourism in accordance with the Strategy for promotion of tourism and programme activities of Tourist Organisation of the Republic of Srpska, implementation of the programmes of study groups stay, provision of other service information and services to tourists;
- cooperation with associations and non-governmental organisations in tourism;
- cooperation with other tourist organisations in the Republic of Srpska;
- processing data related to the number and structure of tourists in the City territory and the complete territory covered by the Tourist Organisation, collection and processing of all other indicators relevant for the monitoring of implementation of set goals, at least once in six months on an annual basis;
- conducting surveys and other types of research in order to determine the quality of tourist offer in the City territory;
- preparation of reports on completion of tasks, analysis and assessment of realisation of work programme and financial plan of the Tourist Organisation of the City;
- preparation of reports and information for the needs of Tourist Organisation of the Republic of Srpska;
- participation in defining goals and development policy at the City level;
- collecting data for the needs of informing tourists;
- mediation in the provision of services by individuals in rural households, and in the provision of services by individuals in renting apartments, rooms and houses;
- provision and preparation of information-promotional material to promote tourist values of the City, such as printed publications, audio and video promotional material, promotion on the Internet, souvenirs, presentations;
- cooperation with competent authority of the City when establishing working hours for catering establishments in the territory of the City; and
- other jobs of interest for the promotion of tourism in the City territory pursuant to special regulations.